Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ultrasound with bodycheck!

Time for a little update again!

Today we went for yet another Ultrasound, this time it was a more thorough one where they measure parts of the body and some organs to see that everything is developing as it should.
The doctor was looking at the head, brain, heart, legs, arms, spine etc. and in the end she said that everything looked normal - good news for us but also a bit relieving...

The baby is moving more now and Caro can feel her everyday as she plays around inside, even I have felt her leg kicking once! ;)
She is now starting her 22nd week and at this time she is 25 cm long and her weight this morning was approximated to 367 grams.

On Friday the baby will travel with us to Tenerife, Spain... a lot of traveling for someone that has not yet been born, huh!

Here one can clearly see the face (full front),
to the right there is the "placenta" covering a large part of the image.
I think she is sleeping peacefully in this picture.

Another 3D-shot, here I am sucking my thumb again!
Not much else to do when I am not sleeping or kicking...

... and another one, slightly from the side this time!

Finally one of my strong arms with it's tiny hand!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Boy/Girl -poll

Time to close the poll, the truth is out there...

Seems the voting was close between the sexes,
but the mayor part of voters were wrong...

3rd Ultrasound - almost halfways!

Hi again,

Tuesday evening at 17.45 we had another rendez-vous at gyneacologist for a 3rd ultrasound. Yes, in France they do more of these scans than in Sweden (where it's normal with only one).
This time we would be able to see what sex our kid would have and it would be the first time that we would see the face in 3-D.
Both me and Caroline had a feeling that we will get a girl and guess what...?


She is now 21cm long (about 3 times longer than at our last visit!).
Her weight is ~200gr at this moment and she is in the 18th week.
Caro's stomach is clearly showing signs of a pregnancy and it is getting more evident for everyday that passes. Now we need to seriously start thinking of names! :)

So here are some photos:

Head, spine, stomache etc.

There's not much to do in here other than kicking and sucking my thumb! :)

Can you see my face?
I have a cute nose, a little mouth and my eyes are closed...

Let's do another shot while we are at it!

And a close-up profile-view of my head and my left arm/hand.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby travels to Copenhagen

The last 4 days we've been busy with traveling...
First we went to the south of Sweden for some of our friends wedding. It was a nice wedding that was held in the town hall of 'Kristianstad'. After the ceremony we stayed one night at Araslöv's Golf Club, a really nice place.

We were lucky with the weather in Sweden, but the last 24 hours we spent in Copenhagen and unfortunately here we had a lot of rain. It did not matter too much, we had a great time anyway visiting "Strøget", "Nyhavn" and "Den lille havsfrue" to name some things.
Caro is feeling better nowadays and traveling gets much easier then, so now the baby has been in France, Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark... not bad considering he/she is expected to arrive in ~6 months from now! ;)

If you want to see some pictures you can have a look here:
Ces 4 derniers jours nous étions occupés à voyager. En effet, nous sommes allés dans le sud de la Suède pour le mariage d´un de nos amis, très joli mariage célébré dans la ville de 'Kristianstad' puis la soirée de la cérémonie s´est déroulée dans un club de golf.
Nous avons été chanceux avec le temps mais les derniéres 24h passées à Copenhague ont été pluvieuses. Mais cela ne nous a pas empêché de passer d´agréables moments et de visiter "Strøget", "Nyhavn" et "La petite siréne".

Maintenant je me sens mieux (plus de nausées) et voyager est plus facile. Après la France, Suisse, Suède et Danemark.... pas mal, considérant le fait qu´il ou elle arrivera dans à peu près 6 mois! ;)

Si vous voulez jeter un coup d´oeil à nos photos, voici le lien: http://picasaweb.google.com/magnusinfrance

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Second Ultrasound - 10 weeks

So, yesterday we went again for another ultrasound.
This time the doctor can see more about how the baby is doing, if he's healthy and so on. Doctor said all was normal which of course was very welcome for us to hear!
At this time of the pregnancy, 10 weeks, in fact 12 weeks (10 +2 weeks of ovulation) you can really distinguish the profile of the baby and clearly see arms and legs, even the heart can be seen as it beats rapidly. The umbilical cord can also be seen on these pictures. And the baby has now turned inside mummy...
Hier, nous sommes allés pour une nouvelle écographie. Le docteur peut voir comment le bébé va. A priori, tout est normal et cela fait plaisir à entendre !!
A 10 semaines de grossesse (12 s.a), on peut distinguer le profil et clairement voir les bras et jambes (avec un oeil expert bien sûr ...) et même entendre le coeur battre rapidement. Le bébé s´est retourné dans mon ventre depuis la dernière écographie.

Now the baby measures about 53mm from top of head to end of its body (not counting legs), with it's legs it is about 75mm. That means it has grown to double it's size in just two weeks! No question Caro's tired occasionally...

Yesterday I got the feeling that it is a boy, I guess we have to wait to find out the truth!
Maintenant le bébé mesure 53mm de la tête aux fesses, ce qui fait avec les jambes 75mm. Il a doublé de taille en seulement 2 semaines !!
Hier, Magnus a eu la sensation que c´est un garcon, on devra attendre pour connaître la vérité !

Friday, August 24, 2007

First Ultrasound! 8 weeks...

So, today was yet another big day for us...
We got to see (and hear) our baby for the first time - INCREDIBLE!
He/She is now about 8 weeks old and measures close to 31mm (this means that we can expect to become parents early April, 2008).
We could see when "it" moved one of the arms and legs and got to listen to "it's" heartbeat.
At this time of the pregnancy the heart beats very quickly (maybe 180bpm).
I find it very incredible that you could hear the heart so clearly from a life in such an early stage.

We both feel very happy and excited! ;)
Aujourd´hui a été un autre grand jour pour nous...
nous avons vu (et entendu) notre bébé pour la première fois - INCROYABLE!
Il/Elle a maintenant 8 semaines et mesure près de 31mm, ce qui laisse prévoir que nous serons parents aux alentours d´Avril 2008.
Nous avons pu voir ses bras et jambes bouger et entendre son coeur battre. C´est vraiment incroyable de pouvoir entendre le coeur si clairement à ce stade si précoce de la grossesse.

Nous sommes tous les deux si heureux et excités! ;) Quel bonheur !!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Arlanda Airport Sweden - Caro in panic! ;)

Last Sunday we left my parents home to fly back to Sweden, we went by car the 200km needed to get to Arlanda Airport, Sweden's biggest airport located just outside Stockholm.
The car trip went fine and after saying goodbye to my parents we went inside the terminal to check in. When approaching the check-in desks we noticed a huge queue of travelers waiting for their turn and I decided to go and check further down the building if queues would be somewhat shorter. Our plan was that Caro should stay in line with other passengers and guard a place in case my findings would be negative.
So off I went and left Caro last in the queue with all the baggage that we had.
When I reached the end of the building I found 4 check-in counters that where for people that had already checked in using the available check-in machines provided in the terminal. These queues where much shorter and all people really did here was to drop of their baggage and get it registered on their boarding passes. So off I went again to check-in myself at one of the machines.
At this time I tried to look if I could see her in the queue, I could not!?
Anyway, check-in was now priority one... for once I have to say that these machines are very clever and easy to use, I just gave our booking reference and answered the question about how many suitcases we had (2), out comes boarding passes and we are clear to leave the baggage at the drop-off counter... So I start looking for Caro, and find... nothing.... except our baggage standing in the middle of the floor.
At this moment my first feeling was (anger), how can my love (normally very clever & calm) leave baggage unattended at an airport in times of terrorist threats and when airport personnel repeatedly announces in their speaker systems that "any unattended baggage will be confiscated".
Just as my thoughts are being processed through my brain I find a, let me say, bit stressed and indignant Caroline, desperately trying to find out where I am.

So, I approach her and begin to decode all the information that is now rapidly given to me:

"My handbag is gone... bla.bla. bla... passport... bla.bla.bla... I cannot leave Sweden... bla.bla.bla... stop your parents!!!"

At this time i realize that our baggage is not about to be confiscated so I quickly grab my telephone and start looking for my parents mobile number, begging to gods that they have kept their phone turned ON!
After mis-dialing my mums number 3-4 times I finally manage to get through, remembering my first words to be:

"Stop! Caro's bag must still be in the car... return!".

Seconds are important here as they might get up on the motorway anytime and deviating from this path might not be possible for a long time...
My mum says that they have no bag with them and that if WE do not have the bag... Caro probably must have left in our house (200km away)!

At this moment I can feel at least a couple of tears of sweat pouring through my forehead... this would mean (god forbid) NO return with the booked flight and a trip back to my parents home to pick-up the bag and then return and sort out another flight to Geneva.
A microsecond later I see the light!!! Under Caro's arm, just beside my backpack that she is now carrying, I can catch a glimpse of her handbag! ;)

I quickly tell my parents to forget about all I just said and continue their return to their home.
Then Caro and me leave the baggage at the drop-off counter and go through security check, later on we board the plane and safely return to our home in France.

This is the first time that I ever find my girlfriend in a state where she has lost control of herself... she later this and says "I use to have everything planned/structured and in order... I always laugh about when people tells me similar stories about pregnant women, now however I understand what they mean!"

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Caro feels bad... :( ("Je me sens pas bien ....")

They say you can feel sick when you are pregnant and this is unfortunately true at this time for Caroline. On top of this, she is very tired and had a blocked neck when she woke up some days ago... poor you! :(
I am doing my best to serve her with drinks and fruit etc. as it seems that when the blood sugar is dropping she feels like she wants to vomit.
We slept two hours this afternoon as I was also a bit tired...

Ils disent que tu peux être malade quand tu es enceinte et c´est malheureusement vrai à ce jour pour moi. Par dessus cela, pour arranger le tout, je suis très fatiguée et je me suis réveillée la nuque bloquée, il y a quelques jours de cela....
Magnus fait de son mieux pour me servir à boire, des fruits car il semblerait que lorsque le taux de sucre dans le sang tombe, j´ai une furieuse envie de vomir.
Cet après-midi, on s´est fait une sieste de 2 heures, on en avait bien besoin...

Vacation in Sweden - Breaking the news!

We have soon spent 10 days here in Sweden with my parents, it's been a great time and we have had good weather all days but one. In these ten days we have visited family and friends and done a trip up north to where my parents originate from (Östersund).
We stayed one night in our cabin in Höglekardalen, about 50km from Östersund and it was there we finally dropped the bomb for my parents!
We had planned to not tell anyone for some time since it is so "new" even for us but it became almost unbearable since my parents had started to be suspicious already the first evening.
Caro did not drink any Wine (not so common being french and all), she has also been very tired and felt a bit sick... mum's seem to react on things like these and I was confronted one evening by my mom while picking something up from the kitchen.

" -I'm starting to be suspicious!" she said to me but I pretended like I did not know what she was talking about.

Anyway, up in the cabin I told my parents (while eating dinner) that they were not supposed to serve any alcohol to Caroline for the next 8 months or more... and this confirmed my mum's suspicion. They were very happy to hear this news and now start another time of waiting for them until their next grandchild will be around.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Caro's pregnant! ("Je suis enceinte")

Today Caroline went to the doctor to make some pregnancy tests and it turned out that she is 100% pregnant! :)
I got to know it when I came home after work and Caroline said she had some BIG news for me... I was a bit surprised by the news but of course were happy!

One week earlier I had become an uncle (6th of July) when my brother became father of a little 'Carl', ~3200grams.
Aujourd´hui, je suis allée voir le docteur pour faire des tests de grossesse et il s´est révélé que je suis enceinte à 100%!
Quand Magnus est rentré à la maison après le boulot, je lui ai dit que j´avais une GRANDE nouvelle pour lui... Il a été évidemment surpris mais tellement content !
Inutile de dire que j´ai pleuré....

Une semaine auparavant, Magnus est devenu oncle pour la première fois (6 Juillet) et son frère est devenu papa d´un petit Carl de 3,2 Kgs.