Saturday, September 8, 2007

Second Ultrasound - 10 weeks

So, yesterday we went again for another ultrasound.
This time the doctor can see more about how the baby is doing, if he's healthy and so on. Doctor said all was normal which of course was very welcome for us to hear!
At this time of the pregnancy, 10 weeks, in fact 12 weeks (10 +2 weeks of ovulation) you can really distinguish the profile of the baby and clearly see arms and legs, even the heart can be seen as it beats rapidly. The umbilical cord can also be seen on these pictures. And the baby has now turned inside mummy...
Hier, nous sommes allés pour une nouvelle écographie. Le docteur peut voir comment le bébé va. A priori, tout est normal et cela fait plaisir à entendre !!
A 10 semaines de grossesse (12 s.a), on peut distinguer le profil et clairement voir les bras et jambes (avec un oeil expert bien sûr ...) et même entendre le coeur battre rapidement. Le bébé s´est retourné dans mon ventre depuis la dernière écographie.

Now the baby measures about 53mm from top of head to end of its body (not counting legs), with it's legs it is about 75mm. That means it has grown to double it's size in just two weeks! No question Caro's tired occasionally...

Yesterday I got the feeling that it is a boy, I guess we have to wait to find out the truth!
Maintenant le bébé mesure 53mm de la tête aux fesses, ce qui fait avec les jambes 75mm. Il a doublé de taille en seulement 2 semaines !!
Hier, Magnus a eu la sensation que c´est un garcon, on devra attendre pour connaître la vérité !

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