Saturday, July 28, 2007

Caro feels bad... :( ("Je me sens pas bien ....")

They say you can feel sick when you are pregnant and this is unfortunately true at this time for Caroline. On top of this, she is very tired and had a blocked neck when she woke up some days ago... poor you! :(
I am doing my best to serve her with drinks and fruit etc. as it seems that when the blood sugar is dropping she feels like she wants to vomit.
We slept two hours this afternoon as I was also a bit tired...

Ils disent que tu peux être malade quand tu es enceinte et c´est malheureusement vrai à ce jour pour moi. Par dessus cela, pour arranger le tout, je suis très fatiguée et je me suis réveillée la nuque bloquée, il y a quelques jours de cela....
Magnus fait de son mieux pour me servir à boire, des fruits car il semblerait que lorsque le taux de sucre dans le sang tombe, j´ai une furieuse envie de vomir.
Cet après-midi, on s´est fait une sieste de 2 heures, on en avait bien besoin...

Vacation in Sweden - Breaking the news!

We have soon spent 10 days here in Sweden with my parents, it's been a great time and we have had good weather all days but one. In these ten days we have visited family and friends and done a trip up north to where my parents originate from (Östersund).
We stayed one night in our cabin in Höglekardalen, about 50km from Östersund and it was there we finally dropped the bomb for my parents!
We had planned to not tell anyone for some time since it is so "new" even for us but it became almost unbearable since my parents had started to be suspicious already the first evening.
Caro did not drink any Wine (not so common being french and all), she has also been very tired and felt a bit sick... mum's seem to react on things like these and I was confronted one evening by my mom while picking something up from the kitchen.

" -I'm starting to be suspicious!" she said to me but I pretended like I did not know what she was talking about.

Anyway, up in the cabin I told my parents (while eating dinner) that they were not supposed to serve any alcohol to Caroline for the next 8 months or more... and this confirmed my mum's suspicion. They were very happy to hear this news and now start another time of waiting for them until their next grandchild will be around.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Caro's pregnant! ("Je suis enceinte")

Today Caroline went to the doctor to make some pregnancy tests and it turned out that she is 100% pregnant! :)
I got to know it when I came home after work and Caroline said she had some BIG news for me... I was a bit surprised by the news but of course were happy!

One week earlier I had become an uncle (6th of July) when my brother became father of a little 'Carl', ~3200grams.
Aujourd´hui, je suis allée voir le docteur pour faire des tests de grossesse et il s´est révélé que je suis enceinte à 100%!
Quand Magnus est rentré à la maison après le boulot, je lui ai dit que j´avais une GRANDE nouvelle pour lui... Il a été évidemment surpris mais tellement content !
Inutile de dire que j´ai pleuré....

Une semaine auparavant, Magnus est devenu oncle pour la première fois (6 Juillet) et son frère est devenu papa d´un petit Carl de 3,2 Kgs.