So the last weeks has been rich on things to report... I'll try to cover them in this update.
First Théa tried some ordinary clothes instead of the normal body/pyjama -outfit, below you can see a photo of her... she was so cute!
She went to PMI on the 17th of April and measured 2940 gr and then the PMI closed for 3 weeks so we will try to measure her weight ourselves. So Saturday I climbed on the scale with Théa in my arms and was quite surprised to see that Théa was around 3,7kg (is this real???).
You can really see now that she has taken some weight, her cheeks are rounder and she has got some more flesh on her arms and legs.
She is eating between 90-120gr of milk every 3,5-4 hours all around the 24hours so I guess it is paying off having a great appetite! If she doesn't get her food in time she will cry until the milk arrives.
Her poo has started to smell quite notably and she has to be cleaned every now and then, but it's good mummy and daddy, and in this case grandma are there to help! (see video below):
So, we got a very welcome visit as you saw in the video, my mother Åsa came all the way from Sweden to see the wondergirl for the first time (live). She has now been staying here for a week and will leave tomorrow morning to go back home. Below are some nice photos of Théa and her together:
1st day together, happy faces everywhere!!!
1st day together, happy faces everywhere!!!
...later on... serious discussions about the future and the present!
Finally, best friends... and someone to look up/down to! ;)
Finally, best friends... and someone to look up/down to! ;)
We have also received new gifts, by post and by monetary gifts as well as in person.
I am sure I have forgotten to thank some people in this blog but you can all be sure that it has been highly appreciated by us. Below I will try to show some things that have been given to us:
We received some money from Caro's parents to be used for Théa and with all the clothes that we have received from various people (Caro's brother, our parents, Thomas&Karen, Thomas&Cathy + many more...) we were in a great need of some place to put the clothes so we decided to go to IKEA the last week and buy some wardrobes (see result below):
I am sure I have forgotten to thank some people in this blog but you can all be sure that it has been highly appreciated by us. Below I will try to show some things that have been given to us:
We received some money from Caro's parents to be used for Théa and with all the clothes that we have received from various people (Caro's brother, our parents, Thomas&Karen, Thomas&Cathy + many more...) we were in a great need of some place to put the clothes so we decided to go to IKEA the last week and buy some wardrobes (see result below):