Monday, December 22, 2008

Some forgotten photo's I found on a harddrive...

As always, you can click on an image if you want a bigger version!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Théa, "Kinésithérapie", day 2.

So, we went for the second day of treatment for Théa.
It was tough for us and her for around 4 minutes before the whole thing was over.
When she starts crying she just remembers what the doctor did the day before and when she is not crying it is simply because she cannot. The doctor presses and squeezes her thorax while splashing water into her nose. This causes her to get up the bad phlegm inside her...
Personally, I would not like the same treatment but I am sure though that she has forgotten all about it very soon. That's why daddy made this film, so she can hear later on what she had to do as a kid! :)

Théa, you were so courageous today !!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008



Théa is still coughing and today we followed the doctors recommendation to see a specialist in "kinésithérapie". I was unaware of this type of treatment until today and quite happy to not have known about it as well. I am sure though that it is an effective and good treatment but it is hard on both the child and the parents.
The idea is to remove all bad phlegm ("slem" in swedish) from the thorax and sinus by pressing/massaging the thorax/lungs!? Something that is not very apprecciated by the baby while it is beeing done, Théa cried a lot and so did the kid before her. Luckily the treatment does not take more than 3-5 minutes but it is enough to make the parents close to crying as well. I had to struggle to keep my tears away.
It seemed to do good anyway and a lot of bad substance was removed and Théa quickly became calm again as soon as the doctor stopped.
Tomorrow we have to go there as well for the same thing... in fact the treatment consists of 3 seances/days in a row.

Today while Théa was eating we got a visitor on our backyard phaesant ("Fasan") was walking around and eating some food on our lawn, a beautiful bird!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thea turned 9 months yesterday!

Here are some shots from last evening:

Here are some from last Sunday:

Two small videos of our adorable daughter!

First up is a video from last Saturday when I had some green beans and salmon mixed in a greenish gooo... Mmmm, yummy!

Then I was playing a bit with my crazy mum!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Théa 8 months old (yesterday) !

Already 8 months old, 7820grams and 65cm long.
Our little ANGEL is getting bigger... :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hello everybody! ;)

Now, I can sit by myself so when it's sunny outside (even in the end of October), I can play with all my friends.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Just some photos...

Mummy, Daddy, where are we going to ?? I look so funny in my car seat dressed like that !!!

Sweetie, we're walking around Divonne's lake, the weather is so beautiful.

And in the evening, it's so funny to play with everything. All the life is an amusement, thanks to the life ....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Such mom, such daughter...

Here are two pictures that compares the two:

1st picture shows Caroline as a child together with her mum (Danielle) and brother (Thierry).

2nd picture shows a recent photo of Théa, notice that it is the very same "bag" that they are sitting in (33 years has passed between the occassions) !

Thea in her rolling chair!

Théa has a new "toy", the idea is to train her for walking... at this point her feet are just touching the ground but it will become easier for her to move soon. Unfortunately it will be more difficult for us to keep track of her! :)
She seems to like it and it's a nice little place to sit and play!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thea is laughing!

It was not really the laugh one is used to but Théa was excited by mummy's behavior and kept on laughing for a long time, we all had a really good time together! :)

Mummy made me laugh, it was so funny!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Théa 7 months old!

Congratulations Théa !!!
You are 7 months old today, already a big girl !!!

Greetings go to my fan-club and all the relatives! :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Autumn clothes

Just wanted to share a photo of Théa in some of her autumn clothes...

I'm a little doll!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fun in the bathroom!

This evening it was extra funny to take a bath... daddy is crazy!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daddy's birthday & Théa's two teeth!

Hi everyone,

Thea is getting bigger and still is a dream to take care of, almost never cries, smiles a lot, eats and sleeps without problems. We are really fortunate!
Théa have had a little flue the last two weeks but has almost recovered now, just a little snotty nose still. The nanny seems happy with Théa as she seems to be really nice during the time mum&dad works. We are very happy to have found a good nanny that also lives very close to us.

Here are some recent photos (collected from the last 2 weeks).

Look at my pyjama, some friends of my mum gave me this one!

Here I am in my playground, sometimes I laugh a lot!

Time for a burp!

Daddy watches TV... duh, sometimes he's so serious when all I want to do is to play!

I have so nice clothes... this dress I got as a gift earlier!

Look how happy I am when I just had my dinner...

Daddy had his birthday Sunday last weekend, look what his friends Johan & Folke baked for him! Mmmm...smarties and bounty, yummy!

The whole family together!

Look everyone... I have got my first two teeth !!!

I am a happy girl!

Théa has just finished her lunch!